目前分類:歌詞 (5)

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<< Someone like you >>

I've been searching a long time

For someone exactly like you

I've been travelin' all around the world

Waiting for you to come through

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《Broken arrow》
What do you do when you''re stuck,
Because the one that you love,
Has pushed you away,
And you can''t deal with the pain,

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一直很安靜    演唱: 阿桑   作詞: 方文山 作曲:如花如岳 編曲:屠穎

空蕩的街景 想找個人放感情 
做這種決定 是寂寞與我為鄰
我們的愛情 像你路過的風景 

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One of Us --  Joan Osborne

If God had a name, what would it be?   如果上帝有名字  會是什麼?
And would you call it to His face   你會當面喊祂嗎?
If you were faced with Him in all His glory   如果你在祂聖潔的光輝下與祂照面

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  • Dec 14 Sun 2008 22:55
  • 目光

目光  演唱:魏如昀  作詞:嚴云農  作曲:陳小霞

走在每天行走的街上 看著人來人往

回憶是很美的地方 卻不適合獨自前往
所以我向前走 不看我們的過往

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